A  photograph of a Syrian toddler found facedown on a beach in Turkey sparked conversation about the use of the photo in news media and on social networks.

According to MediaShift, the ethical choice of showing the video taken by the WDBJ shooter is complicated by the upload of the video by the killer to his Facebook and Twitter accounts making the social networks and their users acted as gatekeepers to the news.

A Virginia journalist wrote about covering tragedy in hometown newsrooms for the New York Times.

Burger King’s “McWhopper” campaign for World Peace Day looks a lot like a similar campaign created by two students. Ad executives debate just how close a train of thought can run until it because suspiciously like plagiarism.  

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar accused Donald Trump of stepping on the first amendment by “attacking journalists” and “stifling criticism.”

Poynter’s Jack Davis gives his take on where the Katrina 10th anniversary coverage could have dug deeper for a better story of New Orleans recovery.

A Dutch journalist was arrested “for her own safety” according to the Turkish government while she was embedded with Kurdish militants.

The New York Times Margaret Sullivan asks how important data and stats are to every story.

Emiliano Cosenza outlines User-Centered Journalism (UCJ) and it’s importance to helping journalists think outside the box for reporting and design.

The BBC announced it would offer 100 new local reporters and a new data hub to local newspapers.

The Daily Mail is suing Gawker for defamation of its online organization, Mail Online, after a former Daily Mail writer posted a story to Gawker.

The Knight Foundation and The New School are teaming up to create a new J-school focused on Journalism and Design. According to the director, Heather Chaplin, the goal of the program is to prepare journalists to adapt to changing technology.

To help broadcast students learn flexibility, Simon Perez of MediaShift suggests having students swap story assignments at mid-week to learn how to pick up pieces of a story, and how to better leave good notes behind for their peers.