Ethical Performance of the News Media Poll 04/14/20

For today’s poll, on, we will again be assessing the ethical performance of the news media during the coverage of the global pandemic. The particular area of concern involves the part of the Society of Professional Journalists Code of Ethics that tells us to “tell the story of the diversity and magnitude of the human experience” but also to refrain from “stereotyping” (Please take a look at today’s virtual lecture to find an expanded discussion of the topic along with additional readings.)

We have talked a bit about one’s individual news diet since we have gone to remote learning, so when ask you to assess news coverage I am referring to whatever media you are consuming on a regular basis. Though this may be unfair to lump in ethical news outlets with persistent scofflaws, perception is reality as they say. When these polls are given to wider audiences, pollsters are generally going after a general perception of the news media, for better or for worse.

So please respond to the following question. As far as meeting journalism ethics standards that demand fairness to a diverse audience, I would give the overall news coverage of the global pandemic the following grade:


  • Excellent – 0%
  • Good – 63%
  • Average – 25%
  • Below Average – 12%
  • Failing – 0%