Our Virtual Classroom Question of the Day 04/14/20

Our Virtual Classroom: Journalism Ethics During A Global Pandemic.

Voices of University of Arkansas Students Spread Across the Nation

April 14, 2020

Question of the Day: We will again be assessing the ethical performance of the news media during the coverage of the global pandemic. The particular area of concern involves the part of the Society of Professional Journalists Code of Ethics that tells us to “tell the story of the diversity and magnitude of the human experience” but also to refrain from “stereotyping”(Please take a look at today’s virtual lecture to find an expanded discussion of the topic along with additional readings.)

We have talked a bit about one’s individual news diet since we have gone to remote learning, so when ask you to assess news coverage I am referring to whatever media you are consuming on a regular basis. Though this may be unfair to lump in ethical news outlets with persistent scofflaws, perception is reality as they say. When these polls are given to wider audiences, pollsters are generally going after a general perception of the news media, for better or for worse.

So please respond to the following question. As far as meeting journalism ethics standards that demand fairness to a diverse audience, I would give the overall news coverage of the global pandemic the following grade:


For today’s poll question, I would give the overall news coverage of the global pandemic a (B) Good. I think this because I’m not too sure if all media outlets are being fair to diverse audiences. A lot of people are blaming China, I don’t think this is fair because it is not ALL of China’s fault.

                                                                                                            Mary Green


For today’s poll, I graded the overall new coverage of the global pandemic at “below average” for meeting the standards of fairness for a direct audience. This grade is because most outlets are not trying to cover the impact of the coronavirus on minority communities even in cities where those communities are the hardest hit. For example, I watched a nightly national newscast last night, and though I can’t remember what outlet it came out of, they reported that in the hotspot Chicago, the majority of the cases come out of south Chicago where a lot of minorities live. I have yet to see that followed up or covered by any other outlet, and one short story covering these minorities is not enough or fair considering how much coronavirus news these outlets are publishing right now. A lot of the news being produced right now is ignoring how these minority families, especially in low-income areas, can’t afford to protect their families from the pandemic like upper-class families can, resulting in a higher chance of infection for these communities. Thus, this coverage is below what my expectations are for covering diverse views in a fair way.

                                                                                                            Victoria Radke


I would say that the overall coverage is average to below average. At least reading my local news I feel that the news had mainly looked at how the pandemic has affected the white middle class demographic. There have been some stories that try to expand this reach and look at different communities, but there seems to be groups of people who have are not getting covered as well in this time of crisis.

                                                                                                Courtney Sakmar


Based on Society of Professional Journalists Code of Ethics the media I consume on a regular basis I would rate it as average. I consume a lot of my media online from social platforms and online newspapers. I have tried to obtain from reading about the pandemic recently for mental health reasons, but when I was looking for more information I would see misinformation spreading on social media. On the newspaper sites like Washington Post and Northwest Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, I think they followed the code of ethics excellently.

                                                                                                Maritza Cedario


I think our media outlets have done a satisfactory job as portraying the current situation as it is, however, our administration is definitely falling victim to scapegoating, as the Poynter article mentions.

From issues like naming the virus to people experiencing the same set of emotions as one does when going through grief, it seems that the media has had their work cut out for them. Trying to cater to humanistic stories that highlight helpers in the community while also painting the stark truth that America overtook Italy for the highest amount of coronavirus deaths.

I’m sure being a journalist is difficult in these times, especially because we aren’t supposed to be leaving our houses— journalists aren’t able to capture information in the same way. Yet they persist in giving us coverage and knowledge, empowering all of us with information.

                                                                                                Summer El-Shahawy


I believe that the global news coverage of this pandemic is average. When I watch the news, I see so much of what is happening in our country, but I wish there were more updates coming from around the world. As far as ethics and the code of conduct, I think that journalists are doing their jobs in a very respectful manner. Many of the reporters I have seen have stated multiple times that they are making it their goal to find the truth and then report it to the American people. While this is what is happening in America, I have heard from different sources that China has not been completely honest with the number of deaths of its people or the accurate number of cases of the virus. It would be my hope that this unethical situation is not being presented by a journalist in China responsible for public relations and information. Additionally, each night when I turn on the news here in Memphis, our anchors and reporters are reporting from inside of their homes, and when they are on location, they are alone. This plays such a large part in minimizing harm by practicing social distancing and making responsible and professional choices, which is part of the code of ethics.

                                                                                                            Mary Fracchia


 I answered average because I feel like both the local and the national media I have been consuming have been doing an only-okay job at highlighting a diverse blend of viewpoints and experiences in relation to the COVID-19 crisis. For example, it was only a few days ago that the Kansas City Star first reported that 50% of COVID-19 deaths in the city have been black people. There has not been a great deal of analysis into why there are such high racial disparities in infection and death rates for black and Hispanic people. Similarly, nationwide, this issue has only just started to come to the forefront of reporting on the crisis, even though Americans have been dying in large numbers for weeks. Also, I think that national coverage has been heavily focused on the rhetorical contributions of Trump and his team, partially because most major networks and stations are still running his daily press conferences wherein he, his son-in-law and others often repeat unfounded claims or outright falsehoods in order to downplay the severity of the problem. One good example is the constant coverage of his claims that hydroxychloroquine is some kind of miracle drug for the virus, even though many experts have trying to get the news across that using it off -label is potentially very dangerous, not necessarily efficacious, and harms those who need the drug for chronic illness. Thankfully, in this case, at least, that trend seems to be shifting a bit thanks to coverage of small-time drug trials that have found the drug dangerous.

                                                                                                            Sarah Komar


 As far as meeting journalism ethics standards that demand fairness to a diverse audience, I would give the overall news coverage of the global pandemic the following grade”

Today’s poll is quite interesting. I decided to give them overall a “B”. I think that as a whole, we are doing quite well in communication from a diverse string of platforms, to a diverse audience. I don’t think we are doing the very best that we could, there definitely could be more help for people with existing medical conditions, or people with valid questions who are scared. I think that in this cluttered mess, we are doing well for the conditions. I know that a big part of the clutter comes from the audience side and people freaking out who are healthy and doing as they are told, but the audience might be a big part of the issue right now.

                                                                                                                        Olivia Ellis
