FAYETTEVILLE (UARK) — Poynter writes a commentary about the media’s coverage of sexual assault and a possible need to change the approach of how it’s reported. “…it’s time for a new look at anonymity ;policies.”

Poynter’s Al Tompkins looks at Hawaii’s false missile threat by the Emergency Alert System. What role should the media play in a real alert? Click here to read.
The Columbus Dispatch uncovered that “Sidecat” was a code name for Facebook. Transparency was missing in Ohio last spring when an “information technology services” provider was going to build a $750 million data center in New Albany. The article titled, “Big tech’s bit to control FOIA” explains how the deal was developed.

This weekend many people probably had their share of chicken wings, pizza, adult beverages and other snacks. The National Retail Federation reports consumers may spend a total of $15.3 billion on 2018 Super Bowl. Here is some food data for what Americans consumed this weekend.
- 1.25 billion chicken wings. (National Chicken Council).
- 48 million American will order takeout or have food delivered. Sixty percent will be pizza. (National Restaurant Association).
- 11 million pounds of chips, 4 million pounds of pretzels, 3.8 million pounds of popcorn, 2.5 million pounds of nuts will be consumed. In all 30 million pounds of snacks. (Calorie Control Council).
- 12 million pounds of avocados will be purchased. (California Avocado Commission).
- Beer $1.3 billion, wine $597 million, spirits $503 million and $1.3 million between soft drinks and water. (Nielsen)
- 20 percent increase on Antacid sales the morning after the game. (Texas A&M Family & Sports Medicine)
- One in five employed Americans will call in sick. Hence, not a Super Monday. (Mucinex/The Workforce Institute at Kronos Inc. survey).