Virtual Lecture on Advertising

 Virtual Lecture from Professor McCaffrey: April 16, 2020

For today’s poll, on, we will shift to assessing the ethical performance of advertising professionals who have produced ads and PSAs during the global pandemic.

Please take a look at the following principles that apply to ethics in advertising.

We have talked about the common principles for ethical practice in journalism, advertising, and public relations: the need to tell the truth and to also minimize whatever harm might be envisioned. Keep in mind that one view of minimizing harm in advertising might be that corporations and advertisers need to be sensitive to the plight of the afflicted when dealing with the afflicted just as journalists aspire to in coverage. There would seem to be a fine line between ads that inform and those that could be accused of trying to capitalize on this tragedy. And of course the need to tell the truth in ads is paramount.

Here is a link to a story about how some advertising professionals are responding to the pandemic.

Ad Age

Navigating TV Advertising During and After Coronavirus

Here is a link to an investigation into the degree of oversight that Facebook has been exercising with ads that deal with the coronavirus.

This story considers similar oversight by Google.

Finally, here is a New York Times story that delves into the larger impact that the pandemic has had on advertising.